Clononeen Niamh Page


2003 Imported Irish Mare

Grand Champion In Hand Horse Wisconsin Charity Classic, Madison, WI 2012
Trained and Shown by Keri Rogalla

Trainer Keri Rogalla & Niamh 2012

Amy Pauls & Niamh - Midwest Horse Fair 2012

Niamh & Amy Pauls summer of 2011

This was the Niamh when I was visiting Ireland on my April trip. She had a lovely big trot and is very showy.
She covered the big fields in a very short time, flicking those front feet out looking very graceful.

Ireland 2004.

Niamh in February 2006.

Niamh at Midwest: April 2006.


Niamh 2010

Hope you enjoyed your visit, please come back soon.

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Website established on March 3, 2004.
© Owned by Julie Heise, no reproduction without permission.